Can You REALLY Rank a Single Web Page for Over 2,000 Keywords?

Doing some recent researching, we unearthed a recent study that documented the existence of a single web page that currently ranks for 2,400 keywords (2,423 to be exact) as well as being featured in 4,658 “Featured Snippets” (Answer Boxes).

If you are interested in seeing this page, you can find it here.

“How Did They Do That?”

While, from an SEO/SEM perspective, there might be a number of factors that might be helping this

keywords How Did They Do That?
How Did They Do That?

page to rank all over the web, for just a moment I want to focus on the issue of content.

There’s a major takeaway from an example like this — there is no way that you could specifically tailor – purposefully – that many keywords or featured snippets – directly. If you tried that approach you would end up with ultra-keyword stuffed gobbledygook, a complete word salad.

So what was their secret? Well, it was really no secret…

All they did was to write extremely valuable, information-rich, detailed, in-depth content.

And they made sure that they answered all the questions you might want to ask about the topic being addressed (in this case, weight loss).

Getting Featured Snippets Is Not Rocket Science

Featured Snippets - Answer Boxes
Featured Snippets – Answer Boxes

Here’s a helpful guide to optimizing your content to make it more likely it could be used as a Featured Snippet/Answer Box at some point –

1. Produce evergreen, top-notch content
2. Make sure you ask a question and provide the answer – on the same page
3. Ensure that the answer supplied – as well as the original question – will be short enough to fit the dimensions of the Answer Box/Featured Snippet
4. Match the format of your content to content that is currently featured in the snippet/box (I.e., use images for a snippet currently featuring images, list format for lists, tables for tables, paragraph text for paragraph text).

You can research this further at:


The 4 Unchanging Realities of the Business World

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